I took Nathan to his preschool open house during lunch today. He was so excited to see his teacher at Cherry Creek again. We adore Mrs. Foster and Natalie, her technician. Natalie has been WONDERFUL with Nathan and he loves her so much! I'm excited for the progress that I think will happen at school this year for Nathan. He's having a cleft palate surgery on Thursday. We are a little nervous, but happy to be doing something more for his speech. You wouldn't think that a cleft palate surgery would be a big deal, especially when compared to open heart surgery. I remember Nathan coding in the Intensive Care Unit after his tonsilectomy. This surgery has the potential to go really right or really wrong.
But the big push forward really came this afternoon. I sent the necessary documentation to "Our Children's House" in Dallas, TX to request Nathan be seen in a more intensive feeding clinic there. They are comparable to Primary Children's, but offer a more comprehensive feeding therapy. If Nathan is accepted for an evaluation and is seen as a patient whom can be helped, I will be taking off 1-2 months of my life to take Nathan to Texas to teach him how to eat. We have also looked into the Hershey Penn State program.
I'm feeling scared - mostly for the what-ifs. I want Nathan to succeed so badly and we have been at this for 4 1/2 years. This is new territory even for us; and a costly one. Our insurance will likely not pay - but Nathan is in desperate need for this care. We'll know in a few days a little more information.