I'm SOOOO EXCITED for Nathan!!! I can't believe that 2 1/2 months after his heart surgery and a month after his cleft palate surgery, Nathan is starting to sit up!!! (If you can't tell, I'm so happy for him... he can't even roll from his back to tummy yet but if he wants a toy he'll sit up to play with it when put in that position). After so many trials, this has been his biggest gross motor development skill he's started to do yet. He does much better without the helmet on (hence why he isn't wearing it in the pictures), but nevertheless he's doing it! We still have a long ways to go, tummy time is better but it isn't perfect yet. His tortocolis still needs some help (the muscles in his colar bone area are weak and tight), and of course there's always that dreaded eating issue....
I saw Carolyn Quigley (IHH President) last Saturday for Mercydez Haw's garage sale and was talking about some of the other families that are still up at PCMC. It really made me realize that if eating and growing are Nathan's major issues now to conquer (as hard as its going to be), WE ARE SO BLESSED. He isn't still up in the PICU and has been home getting stronger and learning and growing with Mom, Dad, & Ellie with him. Before I knew what Tetralogy of Fallot was and how it was fixed, I remember sitting alone recovering from my c-section at Orem Community Hospital wondering if Nathan was going to live and have a normal life. Life isn't going to a breeze for this kid, but the outlook is VERY PROMISING for him. Heavenly Father is truly looking out for us.
Way to go Nathan!
That is awesome! Go Nathan! It's fun to have been able to meet him now and I can picture him a little better. Maryn still remembers his name when she sees him in pictures.
That is wonderful! It is so neat to see that he is growing and doing well!
Yea! for Nathan!!! He is getting so big...at least from the last time I saw him. FYI: I love his shoes!
Grandma was also sooooo excited to see him sitting up. He is just adorable and he looks so proud of himself being able to accomplish sitting up. I always had a sense of him going to be aright but it surely is wonderful to see it happening. Yes, Heavenly Father has answered many prayers concerning Nathan.
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